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  • CleanMat Trucks places a large order for 44 Magnum GPM rear loaders.

CleanMat Trucks places a large order for 44 Magnum GPM rear loaders.

Aan het einde van 2024 heeft CleanMat Truckverhuur zich tijdens een fabrieksbezoek laten informeren over de ontwikkelingen bij Haller Benelux. De nieuwe opzet van de productiefaciliteit in Emmeloord en de innovatieve productontwikkelingen, gaven motivatie om een hernieuwd vertrouwen te tonen door een order te plaatsen van maar liefst 44 Magnum GPM-achterladers. Daarmee komt het totaal van eenheden dat Clean Mat Truckverhuur bij Haller Benelux in bestelling heeft staan op 50 stuks. Deze voertuigen, die al decennialang bekend staan om hun betrouwbaarheid en efficiëntie, sluiten perfect aan bij de wensen van de markt. Voor CleanMat Truckverhuur en Uitenhage Verhuur (onderdeel van de Clean Mat Groep) is dit van groot belang om in kunnen te spelen op de uiteenlopende behoeften van klanten.

Solutions for diverse applications
The order includes various configurations of the Magnum GPM, with body capacities ranging from 14 to 20 m³ and a wide array of advanced lifting devices. The vehicles are equipped with the fully automated Split lift, ideal for efficiently emptying large clusters of mini-containers, and the GEC lifter, specifically developed for handling large Eurotainers. For applications where maneuverability is crucial, such as waste collection in narrow streets or small bridges, the compact GPM Mini rear loaders were selected. Additionally, the order features a specialized version of the Magnum GPM, fitted with a hydraulic crane and integrated hopper, designed for the collection of underground and bottom-discharge containers.

The successor of the Magnum GPM
A notable addition to the order is the new Magnum G1, the innovative successor to the Magnum GPM series. CleanMat Truck Rental and Uitenhage Verhuur will receive one of the first prototype vehicles of this new model. This provides the opportunity to test the Magnum G1 with various customers and in diverse applications. The collected test results will be used to further optimize the design for mass production. The Magnum G1 is expected to be commercially available from the first quarter of 2026 (more information to follow soon).

Collaboration and strategic deployment
The new vehicles will be utilized not only in CleanMat Truck Rental’s international operations but also at Uitenhage Rental, a recently acquired subsidiary. By investing in proven technology like the Magnum GPM while simultaneously innovating with the new Magnum G1, the Clean Mat Group strengthens its position as a leading player in the rental market for cleaning vehicles.

Decades of experience
CleanMat boasts a wealth of experience with the Magnum GPM rear loader. The company acquired its first GPM rear loader in 1993 (then the Geesink GPM II, which was still without a PLC system) and has relied on the performance of these reliable and versatile rear loaders ever since. By ordering 44 new units, CleanMat demonstrates renewed confidence in the future.

We would like to thank to CleanMat Truck Rental for this order!

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